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Roles within the Orchestra


• Chair the main Committee meetings and AGM / EGM meetings, agreeing and signing off minutes

• Ensure due process is followed in all activities as described in the Constitution, including duties of nominated officers

• Ensure the Committee meets regularly liaising with the Secretary and OM on agendas

• Give a casting vote when required

• Sign off the accounts with the treasurer

• Liaise with soloists and guest conductors as required

• Liaise with key partners, sponsors, and patron

• Steer the agenda and priorities for the CSO reflecting member interests

• Give press and radio interviews and represent the CSO as required

• Set vision and strategy for the CSO with the rest of the committee

• Authorise expenditure when required

• Make annual and informal reports to members

Orchestra Manager

• Make booking arrangements for rehearsal venues, concert venues, soloists, guest conductors, extra players, sectional conductors

• Liaise with Principal Conductor regarding rehearsal and concert planning

• Communicate with CSO members on rehearsal plans, concert dates and protocols

• Confirm fees to be paid with Treasurer

• Liaise with other organisations regarding collaborations eg choirs

• Prepare and update any necessary risk assessments for any venue used by the orchestra. • Liaise with section administrators regarding rehearsal and concert plans

• Provide concert dates to Website administrator for advance publication

• Coordinate front of house team for concert day assistance (guests, programmes, etc)

• Manage concert day logistics


• Coordinate committee meetings, minutes, and action points in collaboration with Chair and other post holders

• Prepare materials for AGM (with others) and communicate with members

• Maintain list of committee members and terms of office

Membership Secretary

• Maintain the member database on Membermojo as an administrator, ensuring member contact details and mailing lists are up to date

• Ensure that use of member details is GDPR compliant

• Work with Treasurer to request and process payment of subs through Membermojo

• Reply promptly to membership enquiries from people interested in joining the orchestra

• Pass enquiries to the relevant section 'fixer'

Commercial and Sponsorship Lead

• Contact local businesses, employers and potential sponsors/grant agencies

• Discuss options for sponsorship within the committee guidelines/sponsorship pack

• Propose new options for income generation to the Committee and liaise with the Treasurer on all options before decisions are taken Treasurer

• Maintain accurate financial records for the orchestra

• Make payments for services accrued

• Work with the membership secretary to obtain subscription payments from all members. • Update the bank details as committee roles change

• Produce the annual statement of accounts for the AGM and ensure that they are independently audited

• Submit Gift Aid claims and PRS submissions

CSO Website Administrator

• Update public facing areas of the website with concert dates, photos, and other information

• Maintain member area of website in collaboration with member page owner and Committee

• Ensure that all public-facing information is consistent and up to date

CSO Members’ Webpage Owner

• Develop and maintain the confidential area for member information, with the CSO Website Administrator and the Committee as required


• Liaise with Programming committee for music requirements

• Research the cheapest sources for each item required

• Order music and arrange payment

• Check parts on receipt and distribute to players

• Collect in and check parts after concerts and return promptly

Programming Committee Chair

• Coordinate meetings of the programming sub-committee

• Liaise with Principal Conductor and Orchestra Manager for future dates and ideas

• Maintain a suggestions list from players and feedback links (eg newsletter)

• Liaise with the librarian for music availability and costs

• Advise the main Committee on draft programme and costs

Publicity Production

• Produce flyers, posters, and season brochures in time for the first rehearsal in September • Produce flyers and posters for each concert in time for the preceding concert - to enable advertising at that concert

Specific tasks as follows:

• Collate information and photographs to be used in publicity material

• Liaise with design company for flyer/poster/brochure production

• Distribute first draft of flyer/poster/brochure around committee for checking

• Obtain final proofs from design company in formats required for all channels of advertising

• Order printed copies of flyers/posters/brochures using recycled media where possible

• Distribute electronic versions accordingly - for online advertising and programme design

Social Media Coordinator

• Manage Twitter and Facebook accounts

• Consider when paying for profile is helpful

• Consider reputation and profile of the orchestra in all materials

Publicity Assistant

• Advertise concerts on event websites

• Advertise in local papers and publications

• Send Mailchimp emails

Publicity and Engagement Leader

• Distribute/coordinate the distribution of leaflets and posters

• Determine location for posters and other material

• Coordinate re programmes and marketing in general when required

• Press and radio liaison – with orchestra Chair and Manager

Ticket Sales for Family Concert

• Set up online ticket sales using TicketSource

• Respond to customer enquiries for online purchases

• Regularly check CSO mobile phone for messages (ensure greeting is recorded and activated)

• Design and print tickets for in-person sales

• Sell tickets to members using SumUp device for payment

• Sell tickets to customers using orchestra mobile - post tickets once payment is received via SumUp remote payment links

• Input all sales into TicketSource

• Reserve seats for groups or specific parties on the day of the concert(s)

• Meet with door sales volunteers and provide instructions for ticket sales

• Download final sales records and send to Treasurer


• Keep up to date the database of CSO concerts, programmes, conductors, and venues

• Organise and maintain the orchestra's online collection of photographs, programmes, and fliers

• Maintain the collection of paper programmes by adding a new programme after each concert

Concert Programme Coordinator

• Prepare concert programme in collaboration with OM, PC, Section Administrators

• Act as editor when other write programme notes Newsletter Editor

• Create periodic member newsletters in collaboration with other committee roles and members

• Ensure members are informed in the newsletter on key developments and decisions

Friends Administrator

• Manage the relationship with ‘friends’

• Ensure friends are well-information and looked after

• Advise the Committee on the service and how it can be improved

Percussion Move Coordinator

• Make van booking arrangements for concert days

• Liaise with OM to ensure that venue access is agreed

• Coordinate with percussion section principal on what is needed

• Liaise with other members of the transport team

Social Secretary

• Organise refreshments at AGM and Christmas party

• Plan and propose other social events when required Bernie Minder

• Make sure Bernie and friends are looked after

• Ensure Bernie is refreshed ready for family concert

• Ask Bernie for newsletter items

• Think of other ways Bernie can help the CSO

Orchestra Leader

• Leads the orchestra (the ‘Leader’) including setting the standards of the orchestra in consultation with the Conductor, the Orchestra Manager and, where necessary, the Committee

• Acts as Section Principal for the 1st violins (see below)

• Works with Section Administrator to oversee both violin sections, including selection of players to lead the 2nd violin section

• Liaises with Section Administrators (esp. strings) when needed

• Supports the conductor by helping the orchestra to perform as they want

• Determines the bowing in the string sections, delegating where appropriate to the relevant section principals

• Leads the tuning up at rehearsals

• Takes string sectionals when required

Section Principal

• Acts as Section Administrator if this is not a separate role

• Liaises with Conductor regarding balance of parts and in consultation with Section Administrator

• Supports the Programme Committee Chair to ensure section representation

• Auditions and selects new players, in consultation with the Conductor and Leader of the orchestra if necessary

• Supports the conductor in section phrasing and related interpretation

• Coordinates ‘sectional’ rehearsals, liaising with the Orchestra Manager

• Leads and maintains orchestra discipline in their section

Section Administrator

• Liaises with the Section Principal regarding auditions

• Arranges deputies for concerts or absences

• Arranges for section auditions and the selection of new players

• Ensure adequate cover (e.g., when there is illness)

• Organises seating plans in consultation with the Section Principal (and Orchestra Manager)

• Ensures new players are welcomed and understand about the CSO

• Liaises with the Orchestra Manager regarding logistics of the section in concerts

• Communicates with section players about parts and seating

• Seeks feedback on any routine matters and concerns of section players

• Ensures appropriate balance of players (skills and numbers)

• Deals with disciplinary and related matters in conjunction with the Section Principal

• Checks with players who is playing in concerts (absence notifications should be sent to the Section Administrator in the first instance)

• Provide list of players for a concert to the programme collator

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© 2024 City of Southampton Orchestra.

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